Tuesday 31 March 2015


Liver governs almost the whole detoxicating system in the organism, especially the intestines. All the food decomposed in the intestines is directed towards the liver, except for the facts which are concentrated in the chylifers.

It follows that the functional disorders of the liver involves a repercussion in the intestines, on the other hand the liver sends  toxic elements outwards through the intestines. Here cholesterins and porphyrins deserves special mention as intermediaries among the homoglobin tissues which are consumed by the liver.

In modern therapy the liver is exposed to harmful retoxication in many ways which entails merely intermittent emission or absorption of intermediary elements and this intermittence has various repercussions on intestines. The outcome is flatulence, meteorism, flatulent colic, intestinal cramps which are often considered as the after effect of appendicitis or even of tumours. Chronic constipation is  frequent concomitant.

In all such cases Homoeopathy is having safe medicines.

Monday 30 March 2015


As per a survey report of W.H.O. Homoeopathic system of medicine is accepted worldwide immediately next to allopathic system. 


It is in continuation of my last post, regarding Liver disease.

One must be very cautious in ones  daily routine and living habits to remain healthy and away from liver troubles. Following are few tips to keep in mind :

1. KEEP ALCOHOL AWAY : Drinking large amount of alcohol damages the Liver.

3. AVOID HERBAL SUPPLEMENTS like black cohosh, ma huang and mistletoe.

4. INFECTIONS like Malaria and Q fever must be treated early.




Sunday 29 March 2015

Questionnaire to Assess The Enlarged Liver

Enlarged liver is now a days a common finding in abdominal sonography.

In most cases it is fatty enlargement of liver otherwise it is associated with very specific findings.

In case of specific findings here is a sample questionnaire which should be followed in order to reach to conclusion along with relevant blood tests.

1. Do the sufferer ever owned the Dog as a pet?
     It may increase the risk of hydatid disease.
2. Consumption of shellfish?
     May suggest hepatitis A.
3. Viral Hepatitis: so many preceeding factors like Intravenous drug use, tatoose,        
      homosexuality & prostitution, recent travel to areas prone to hepatitis A.
4. Past medical history.
5. Abdominal pains.
6. Fever.
7. Gross weight loss.

All the above quarries  have important role to evaluate the patient.

In Homoeopathic system of treatment we are having very good treatment for majority of sufferers.

Friday 27 March 2015


When so ever one feels Dull,Dizzy or Drowsy without any cause; Apathetic with surroundings; Feels uneasy to mix with someone else inspite of every thing good and so many other things.One must recycle his own inner batteries also along with proper medication.

There are Four major steps to get these batteries charged and improve the inner harmony.

A. PROPER SLEEP/ADEQUATE REST : Take a good sleep as per time schedule.

B. PRANAYAM : Its a natural process to get energy from nature.

C. DRINK LUKEWARM WATER, preferably Copper/Silver/Gold charged.

D. Skip a meal or two in a wk. giving rest to gastrointestinal tract reduce the food          
      intake and take fruits and vegetables.

These four steps help to empower our inner harmony improves ones immunity power to fight against the noxious agents.

Thursday 26 March 2015

Second prescription

For a homoeopathic physician it becomes very important to follow up the patient.

When a patient comes back again after a scheuduled period for next visit, it is very important to judge the actual mode and course of action of remeady.

Now it is again a two way synchronised judgement.
A. Patient must narrate the changes he feels as sure, without any ifs and buts.
B. Physician must be prepared to listen every thing without being prejudiced with the prescription.

There may be so many changes, good or bed after the first prescription inspite of all the precautions in prescription.

One must have  thorough knowledge about prognosis of the said disease and a command on Second prescription which is rather difficult than first one.

Tuesday 24 March 2015


HOMOEOPATHY treats the sufferer not merely the sufferings. It seems very funny, but it is a vertual truth.

Homoeopathic physician tries to collect all the knowledge about the sufferings of the patient as a whole, individual entity.

For this he collects Mental & Physical Generals of the patient.These are the gradings of the presentation of the disease in every individual, which differs from individual to individual.

Here we take a case of pyrexia. The fever to some one is high grade to some one it is low grade. even in the same grade of fever few are having unquenchable thirst while others are thirst less. Now in thirst too few needs small quantity at short interval while others large quantity at larger intervals.few one small quantity at large interval and others large quantity at short intervals, and many more probabilities.

Next scenererio comes of Vomit, some one vomits immediately after drinking water some one after some time.

Next comes Anxiety and Agony, Some one are excessive restless while others are cool and calm even few may be dull dizy and drowsy.

These all different symptoms are very IMPORTANT for a Homoeopathic Physician to select the similimum which not only treats the sufferings but Cures the Sufferer.

Monday 23 March 2015


VITAMINS are the very important and essential ingradiants of ballanced diet.
They play key role in body functions.

Vitamins are the engines for efficient biological synergetic functions.

Nature itself is the big source of Vitamins as
A. Sunlight
B. Green Vegetables and Fruits
C. Non Vegetarian source e.g. meat & fish
D. Intestinal flora

Vitamins are of two types
1. Fat soluble vitamins
2. Water soluble vitamins

There are six different classes of vitamins. Out of them four i.e. Vitamin A,D,E & K are fat soluble and two i.e. Vitamin B Complex and C are water soluble.

Every individual vitamin is a must for healthy human being.

Sunday 22 March 2015


DIET have very important role to keep a person healthy. As a common concept  diet must include following ingredients in optimum required quantity by an individual.

1. Carbohydrates
2. Proteins
3. Fats
4. Minerals
5. Vitamins
6. Water.

All the above ingredients of diet are solely responsible for the state of health.
Lack or excess of any one causes serious health hazards which are not only treatable but curable only by the appropriate correction of diet by an expert qualified dietician. 

Saturday 21 March 2015


With the advancement of medical techniques various incurable and serious health hazards are proving to be reversible by specific surgical  procedures.

Human corneal grafting is the first among all.

Bone graft, kidney and lever transplantation is also a daily routine in big established hospitals now a days.

Even a successful heart had been transplanted.

Inspired by all this and the heart touching appeals of active dedicated N G Os
peoples are coming forward for DEH DAN.

Its good. Be cautious here and alert that every cell, tissue and organ have its different life time.

Take care that the motto MUST BE fulfilled.

Inspite of all the developments the facilities are not available everywhere, except of EYE DONATION & its utility. So its my sincere request and suggestion to all those who
had declared DEH DAN to educate their family members for EYE DONATION first.

Friday 20 March 2015


Dementia is a state of mind which effects the nervous system, particular areas of brain.

Its a chronic disorder starting from a mare state of change in cognition power of an inividual to a very fetal level.

It appears with pertepted state of memory, speech, thinking, understanding and attention towards a particular field or common.

For confirming the diagnosis as DEMENTIA particular person must suffer with the symptoms at least for a period not less than 6 months.

Earlier detected dementia can be reverted depending on the etiology of the disease.

Dementia can start since the age of 40 years but it is more commonly seen after 60 of age.

Dementia needs early care, diagnosis and treatment under the good physician with patience and co-operative behavior with the patient by all the near and dears.

Wednesday 18 March 2015


HUMAN being is a very special creation of almighty god. Its an unique combination of
PsychoSomatic ballanced creature.

In the state of health one is fit regarding sensations and actions of mind and body.

While in the state of disease one's feelings changes according to the physical situations.

Suppose a person is having ARTHRITIS (inflammation in joints). Now for Homoeopathic mode of treatment, it is not the disease of particular joint only but it is
whole plane who is suffering.

Before prescribing a medicine Homoeopathic physician have to know about
Modulities &
Concommitants from the suffering person, then only a correct similimum can be selected.

Thus, above four point querry indicates that it is not only one organ but the person
as a whole becomes sick.

Tuesday 17 March 2015


CONCEPT of individuality is very important in Homoeopathic System Of Treatment.

Every person suffering with pyrexia presents with some different important symptoms e.g.
A.few have thirst while few are thirstless,
B.few have severe associated pains while few are painless,
C.few desires to cover up while few throws it away,
and so many others.

In other systems of medicines Antipyretic drug is common to all along with other desired medicines.

While in Homoeopathic system of therapeutics we have to collect all such individual symptoms from the patient and MEDICINE varies from pt. to pt. depending on INDIVIDUAL SYMPTOM.

Monday 16 March 2015

reoccurrence of cold

The disturbance in Weather now a days is very harmful to health. It may create various water born as well as air born diseases.

Upper respiratory tract infections GIT disturbances and various viral infections  may effect.

Take proper care to safe guard yourself.

Homoeopathic medicines may prove a boon in such circumstances provided taken with care.

Saturday 14 March 2015


Take care of every changes in feelings of welbeing.The slightest negligence in the observations an perceptions of any change in daily routine may hide the big trouble.

When ever you feel any sort of DISEASE i.e. DIS  EASE   take care of yourself immidiately.

Now a days it is becoming very difficult to diagnose and prognose the health hazards.

Feelings of malaise, dull dizy drowsy or flashes of heat headache, bodyache gastric upset or complex of many others may seem very light in start but they may be the alarming symptoms of many systemic diseases.

Don't be panic with these but take proper care. Consult an experienced physician.

Monday 9 March 2015


In cases of GALL BLADDER stones or RENAL stones, the removal of calculus/ relevent
part is not the permanent remeady of trouble.

It is better to take systemic Homoeopathic treatment under the guidance of  an experienced Homoeopathic physician having a sound knowledge of Human anatomy,
physiology and materiamedica.

One must know the pros and cones of the disease.

If the operation/removal of the stone/part is required get it operated for the time being early relief BUT remember to take HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICINES for a sufficient time to prevent the reoccurances.

Sunday 8 March 2015


HOMOEOPATHIC system of medicine is safe for health as it is very near to nature.

MEDICINES are very well proved (clinical trials) are done on human beings it self.

ALL the clinical observations subjective as well as objective are recorded properly from head to toe in order to prepare the therapeutics.


Homoeopathy is an art of healing based on the rational natures law of cure i.e.
SIMILIA SIMILIBUS CURENTER, where as Two similar agencies can  not exist in the same plane, the weaker will be replaced by the stronger one.

The learned founder of Homoeopathic system of medicine. Dr. Hahnemann applied this law of cure for the well being of suffering humanity.